Monday, February 25, 2008

Snippets and Scraps

I just found these little 2am writings on a sticky note and thought that I'd post them. Maybe I'll actually use them for something someday, who knows?

sometimes i don't even know which hand is my left anymore. I wear rings on both of my ring fingers hoping that maybe one day i'll have it there permanently. or maybe im just trying it out on both fingers because i knew this one teacher in primary school who had his ring finger chopped off by this huge stateue when he was three. now he walks around with a ring on his nub of a finger. i would rather just try it out on my right hand instead of putting a ring on a left nub.
she walked as if her shoes were a size and half too small. like a person who would curl up her toes at the edge of her shoe, wincing with every step as the sides of her pinky toe dug into the side of the soft canvas shoe. a highly uncomfortable situation.
i lost it.

sorry these are both utterly rediculous

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