Saturday, February 6, 2010

you guys/y'all

i've started saying y'all (again?) or maybe i've never really said it before living in nashville. there's something about living in new york that is making me want to OWN saying 'y'all' who knows

all this to say---i think i've moved to tumblr?? or maybe i jump back and forth between tumblr and blogspot. i don't really know how to work tumblr but that intrigues me--so check it out

i'll write somewhere


way said...

Yes, your tumblr is great.

I had no idea it was "papier mache"...i always just thought it was "paper mache".

This Dave guy on the A-Train sounds like a headache.

Brothers Bloom was great. JD loved it 20 times more than I did, though.

One thing I love/hate about tumblr - you can't comment on people's posts and you can't see when the person wrote the post....but i also kinda love this because i can comment elsewhere and i like not seeing when you wrote stuff because it all gets meshed together.

way said...

Ohh and I say "ya'll" a lot.