Tuesday, August 5, 2008

lovelies, im coming home

lovely lovely day.
i'm sittin gin the floor of my peeling paint apartment, listening to the hum of the air conditioning and the sounds of cars yelling and exhaling in puffs of black soot as they make their way into manhattan. today i leave. more and more i figure out i have no idea where home is anymore. i feel home here, but i feel home when im hugged by my friends and family back in nashville. more and more i'm beginning to realize that 'home' isn't at all the walls of family photos or the bedroom where all your stuffed animals still lay positioned to play, collecting dust bunnies and fading in the sunlight of an open window--home is really wherever you choose it to be. and i know it has more to do with people than place--weirdly enough. i'm ready to go back--just for a little while to the people back in nashville--to my best friends, my mom my dad and my sister, the faces i know, i hug, the faces that i put up on my bulletin board to remind me of home. i miss coffee at a shop where i can actually sit and talk for hours and feel like i belong. i miss sitting up until midnight eating milkshakes at sonic. i miss going on random adventures with my sister. i miss bear hugs and people who say they're sorry when they bump into you even though they don't have to at all. i love new york. or really--i love brooklyn. manhattan--it's for the dogs. i really can't think clearly right now and so my writing is jumbled and i'm starting to be self-conscious of it. blech. i'll be home on thursday. i'll bear hug you if i see you. hold on tightly, please.


way said...

you end so much of your writing with "i'm starting to trail off into jumble now, and so i'm becoming self-conscious. echhh!"

it's really amusing to me. BLEEP BLLOOP.

way said...

hey, i changed my address to my blog. it's truthfulmood.blogspot.com

i like that address better because "prolificpoetry" makes me sound haughty or something.

way said...

i know this sounds wierd but can you post your "lovely" on my "kissing is for the birds" chapter? becaue i accidentally deleted that post and so i had to re-post it. good thing i write them on my mac word before posting them.

way said...

you should start writing again. i'm trying to write as much as i can, but i think it would help if i were inspired by a certain someone. jk, but seriously.