Tuesday, July 7, 2009

up and at'em

i never understood that phrase when my dad used to wake me up on saturdays by stomping upstairs and banging on a huge metal pot. up and at'em? really dad.
today. today i am going to be productive. i don't plan on it. i will be.
today i'm putting a letter in the mailbox to my sister from hogwarts. because she dreamt about getting accepted into hogwarts when she was 12 and now she's 19 and i'm feeling creative.
today i'm going to hang out with friends, even with friends that i don't really know and am scared to hang out with because i'm afraid of awkward moments or not knowing what to say or that i'll be that kid on the playground that looks nice, but secretly smells and eats dirt (neither of which i do, but still).

today is going to be a good day and i'm going to decide to be happy.

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