Sunday, May 4, 2008

ok so that's a galnapper.
pronounced GAL-nap-per as my grandfather (from arkansas) would describe it. but let's be honest,

it's just a freaking huge mosquito. i mean, really.

i found this little critter just hibernating on my screen door, like i do most nights and ususally i don't mind him, as long as he isn't flying in my hair or crawling up my thigh or anything. but tonight was just too much to handle.

i kid you not, the world is ending.

so you know when there are plagues and stuff in the bible and the locusts come out basically eat peoples brains out like little zombie bugs, this freaking galnapper is the modern-day zombie locust.

this dude is what killed pharoahs. this thing is what made dinosaurs extinct (not a meteor). this freaking steroid loaded mosquito probably will end the world.

so anyways, i looked outside and this is what i saw, beneath that singular, seemingly harmless galnapper:

yeah. it was like galnapper holocaust.

sorry that was uncalled for. but really. look at them all.

i don't care if they do kill mosquitos, they need to go away, or at least clean up after themselves when they all decide to get together like some freakish cult and die together. i swear that little one that was alive and looking down on them was the leader.

consider yourselves warned about these beasts.

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