Wednesday, September 3, 2008

eavesdropping over your shoulder

i went to the tea lounge again today. ever time i go in there i feel like i'm somewhere safe, and cozy and homey. I almost fell asleep there today but i got scared of looking like an idiot and people laughing at me. right now i'm reading perelandra (from christy's loverly library) by c.s.lewis--it's delicious, except now i want to read that instead of actually doing my reading for school. oh well, i'll just train myself to be able to do both, i mean, it's possible. at the tea lounge today, i settled into this plush armchair on top of a stained oriental rug and just started writing. maybe because it was so cozy in there, or my head was in the clouds, or my body was so relaxed by my coffee that i slipped down into the crevices of my armchair and started writing ridiculousness, but i was inspired in a weird way. so here are the thoughts of a girl who wants to be wendybird, sitting, dreaming in a little coffee shop on the corner of court and douglass:

i have all these little writings an ramblings and earlier this summer i was going to write about moments in people's lives--just snapshots of tics and idiosyncrasies that show something deeper underneath. it's like all these moments in the human journey to find something, some meaning, some love, some purpose. i was brushing my teeth this morning and the idea just came to me to write a book of moments--from the most mundane and odd to the most beautiful and big ideas that are broiling underneath that ultimately give way to all the existences of all these people.
i had a book when i was little called "outside-in" where you see how people look on the outside and then lift a flap and see all their insides and muscles and things that hold them together but are concealed from the outside. i was just thinking about that idea combined with writing.
all of us, like it or not, are made up of moments that give way to experiences which birth truths and eventually make us into who we are. we all have those defining moments when something clicks or pushes you over the edge to act or make a decision or think a certain way...and what if i could get those, observe those and put them down into moments. usually when we look back on moments where we made up our minds about something or started to believe something--it was small at first and unmemorable to people passing by or observing us. what moments are in a certain person's life that are key?--but not cliche--i mean of course the moment when you realize you're in love with someone or the moment you make up your mind about a certain person or group of people--the moment when you decide what beauty is and whether you encompass it or not. i don't know...the interesting thing about all of these moments is that they don't just happen once but have the potential to be re-experienced and in turn change you again. and all these moments layer and layer and layer on top of each other until you're old and wrinkled and all you have are these layers of moments that made up your life. it's beautiful, really.
i sound stoned"

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