Saturday, May 31, 2008

You don't even want to know what I ate today...

dinner: a can of chicken
salt and peppa
sort of cut apples and grapes
smushed up triscuits
mix up for a bowl of dry deliciousness? yeah, right.
Day 5.
Note: i skipped day four because it was utterly boring in nyc.
not really. I just was at school all day and watched LOST-which if you have never watched you can not ever talk to me. im mourning until february.

anyways, today was our first day off from school so ash and I took the full liberty of sleeping in until noon. little did we know that both of our parents were feverishly texting and calling us to make sure that we weren't dead because a crane fell in manhattan today. i swear i wouldn't know if anything happened--the rest of the world knows before people actually living near the situation do; maybe thats not entirely true, but I don't have CNN on all the time.
after we flipped on the tv to get a quick story about the crane form a very nervous news anchor, we decided that today we were going to get some business done and see the telectroscope--which is a sort of telescope that lets people in brooklyn see people in london in real time. we thought about drawing HUGE posterboard signs with messages on them and holding them in front of the telectoscope to see if people on the other side would respond. here's the website:

but we, being the horrible navigators that we are, only managed to make it to fulton street and then on to a huge crowded subway at 5pm to times square. let me tell you about subways passing through about 6 stops at 5pm. if you're claustrophobic-don't. if you have germ issues-don't. if you don't want somebody practically touching your butt and kneeing you in the back and breathing in your face or standing in someone's armpit-don't. ash and i don't necessarily like those things--but we did it. holding on to a greasy rail on the red line squashed up next to a man sitting down in a seat crouched over his tan leather bag and stealthily unwrapping gum and then spraying some sort of man perfume that smelled like fake flowers and cucumbers, he sat there just squnched up next to an asian woman who was most likely a fashion student of some sort. the man whose armpit ashley was nestled into was trying to prove his knowledgeability about new york as he explained to his friend that people were BOUND to get off at the next stop-Penn Station and he went on and on and on practically being a tour guide. Ashley and I almost got off a stop early to actually breathe, but we held it in and emerged in times square where even the sidewalk sparkles (im not kidding) and immediately squirted a quarter size of purel sanitizer all over our hands.
we got lost a little. thank goodness for verizon having a gps system in the phone--genius.

later this evening we saw a play that was being put on at Stella Adler (the school that I'm at) by the 1st year conservatory students called Dog sees God. it was good...and interesting. Going in, Ash and I thought it was going to be some sort of metaphorical thing--like most titles in nyc are--but no, it was the confessions of CB (charlie brown) in his teenage years. basically charlie gets depressed and falls in love with schroeder. sally is now a wiccan-still in love with schroeder. peppermint patty is a skank/mean girl. pig pen is a manwhore/douchebag/germaphobe, linus is a stoner, lucy is in a mental ward for burning of the little red head girls hair, marcy follows in pattis footsteps and is a psuedo-skank and schroeder was molested as a child and then is teased for being gay and then falls in love with charlie brown and then gets beat up by pig pen who goes crazy if people call him pig pen. pig pen apparently loves charlie brown and gets pissed when he finds out that schroeder and cb had a thing going. slams schroeders fingers in a piano and then schroeder gets so depressed that he can't play the piano anymore that he brings a gun to school and kills two kids and then himself. charlie still writes all this to his pen pal.
oh and snoopy eats that little yellow bird and is rabid and dies.

wow. charles schultz would be so proud. i just know it. his uplifting message of blockheads just lives on.
of course whoever wrote the play must've written it from the subtext evinced from the comics, i mean, obviously.

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